17 April 2011

Just what they needed... a fresh coat of paint...army painter style.

Well its finally over. The marathon task I set my self since last I wrote is now completed. My ECW armies have now had the army painter applied.  Do they look better than before? Well I think so, obviously I wouldn't apply something that made them look worse now would I?

It has been a labour of love though. Pretty slow and quite smelly due to the base used in the formula and the need for Mineral Turpentine used to clean brushes. I could have done it faster by removing all troops from their bases but as most of the bases were flocked, so I didn't want to ruin their look. Overall though I think they improved on my ordinary painting efforts and from hence forth will become part of my painting routine.

The gun crew and gun as painted above left and with the Army Painter applied with the dab method right.

Once more with the Pike unit original paint left and in their semi-gloss finish.

After treatment and in their new Matt look, pictured left.
Below are three more examples of the look troops.

 Now I can proceed to finish the the units sitting patiently awaiting their turn in the queue. Which if memory serves me correctly is two more units of Scots Cavalry, another scots pike unit, two more units of Cavalry for both Royalists and Parliament and some odds and sods to complete both ECW armies. I'll use the dip method for all future figures as they are completed prior to basing. It will be interesting to see how they compare to those done using the dab method using an old brush.


Neil W

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